Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Foretelling

by Alice Hoffman

      One thing a reader can always expect from Alice Hoffman is a story that is magical - magical in language, in prose so lyrical that it seems more apropos to sing it than to read it - and magical in content with a vein of mystical reality threading through the story. In these expectations, The Foretelling serves up what we hope. This is the story of a young girl, Rain, from a land of killing cold and violent people. Rain is destined to be a queen of her people, an Amazon tribe (though don't expect any rainforests in this book) who protect their lands with fierce brutality. But she does not know if she wants this destiny or if she is capable of living it. The pace of the novel is breathtaking, lasting only a few hours of reading time, but the images linger. The plot seems almost scant but with the poetry and intensity of the language, it can be overwhelmingly sensual. Stylistically beautiful and never dull, the only complaint a reader might have is that it is over so quickly.

The Book

Little, Brown and Company / TimeWarner
September 2005
Fiction [Ages 12+]
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2005
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2005