Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Home to Me, Home to You

by Jennifer A. Ericsson
Illustrated by Ashley Wolff

      Home to Me, Home to You tells a parallel story about a working mom coming home from a business trip and about her daughter going through her day at home. Both are eager to reunite. My five-year-old daughter loved this book. We had to read it three times immediately. The reassurance that when you're missing your mom, she's missing you too is very comforting to children, who join the characters in being eager for the book's reunion scene. The illustrations do a lovely job of conveying the wistfulness of the two characters and the building excitement in the child - but they also show the little girl having fun with friends and with Daddy even while she's looking forward to the mother's return. She misses her mother, but she isn't miserable without her. The love in every page make this a wonderful story for any child, but particularly helpful for a child faced with fears about separation. It's at the top of our favorite reads pile.

The Book

Little, Brown and Company / TimeWarner
August 2005
Picture Book
Fiction [Ages 4 - 8]
More at
NOTE: wrong age group is given at Amazon

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2005
NOTE: Reviewer Jan Fields is the editor of Kid Magazine Writers emagazine and has written dozens of stories and articles for the children's magazine market.
© 2005