Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Leon and the Spitting Image

by Allen Kurzweil
Read by Mark Linn-Baker

      Leon and the Spitting Image is the prefect wish-fulfillment story. Young Leon Zeisel goes to a school that values manual dexterity a little too much - and fine motor skills aren't Leon's gift. He enters fourth grade already knowing that he's considered the school klutz. Then he meets Miss Hagmeyer - a woman on a mission to turn her class into sewing masters. Naturally, she's instantly the bane of Leon's existence until he discovers a little magic that helps even the score. The story is lively and interesting with just enough whimsy to keep us fascinated. Mark Linn Baker's voice is a perfect complement to the story - clear with a nice dry delivery that seems totally Leon. For me, the children treat the teacher a bit too cruelly for me to be completely comfortable. I know she's a hag but even after we find her humanity, Leon and his friends still want to pull a pretty cruel trick - one that could certainly cause a teacher to lose a job. For me, it pushes the envelope just a tiny bit too much for comfort - but when I was in fourth grade with teachers who think bullying is a educational technique, I might have loved it. It's all in your perspective.

The Book

Harper Children's Audio
May 2005
Unabridged CD Audio
Children's fun fiction / [age 9 - 12]
More at

The Reviewer

Jan Fields
Reviewed 2005
© 2005