Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Am I A Color Too?

by Heidi Cole & Nancy Vogl
Illustrated by Gerald Purnell

      In this thoughtful look at the concept of racial differences and skin color, the mother/daughter team, Heidi Cole and Nancy Vogl, teach children to look beyond the surface. The inspiration for this poem came when Heidi's son, Tyler, was three. Hearing people referred to as certain colors, he asked his grandma the stimulating question, "Am I a color?"

Tyler is a young interracial boy who wonders why people are labeled by colors. Through his eyes we explore the common labels of Black and White, and wonder why we separate people into colors when we all see, smile, sing, and dance in all colors of the rainbow. Tyler reminds us to treasure every person, regardless of outward appearances.

Am I A Color Too? is richly illustrated by the very talented Gerald Purnell in vibrant colors. He catches the wonderful features and expressions of people of all races in this inspiring look at our differences and similarities.

This would be a wonderful classroom tool for pre-school and older and a great conversation starter for family reading time. It's a universal message that touches readers of all ages.

The Book

Illumination Arts
October 2005
Children/Fiction [Ages 4-8]
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2006
© 2006