Another Review at MyShelf.Com


by Peter Brown

      From the book jacket to the wonderful ending, Chowder is filled with the best illustrations and story. The comical, colorful, full-of-life pictures match the funny story of Chowder. Chowder is a dog that is the boss over his owners, a fan of human toys, and a little different (think toilet trained). Other dogs just don’t get him. When Chowder discovers a petting zoo at a local market (discovered, of course, by peering through a telescope and seeing a billboard advertisement) he comes up with a plan to get his owners to take him to the Food Ranch. While there, he visits the petting zoo. After an accident involving a kickball in a tree, Chowder swallows his pride and tries to get the ball down by jumping out of a window and just missing it. The animals help him out and the ball is freed from the branches. Soon, a great game of kickball starts and Chowder is so good at kicking that he becomes a popular pick for the teams. His new friends are a perfect fit for the quirky dog.

Peter Brown has come up with a great story that has great characters. It was truly a fun read. It could easily become a quick favorite and popular pick for reading.

The Book

Little, Brown Young Readers
September 6, 2006
Children's Fiction - Age Group: 4-8
More at

The Reviewer

Dawn Talley
Reviewed 2006
© 2006