Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Fairy Ball

by Stephen J. Brooks
Illustrated by Denise Seah

      Fairies can be seen by mortals only on one night each year when they gather for the fairies’ ball on mid-summer's eve under the full moon.  Madelyn wakes up and tiptoes out into the night.  Let's follow her down the magical path to the secret glade and watch the fairies as they come to the enchanted place to play and dance.

Stephen Brooks has re-created one of our best childhood dreams with his lyrical poem about fairies and flowers and magic. He loves to create enchanting worlds where children are safe to wander and explore. This rhymed story is a joy to read aloud at bedtime or to share with your favorite child anytime, and maybe the fairies will visit their dreams.  Denise Seah's bright floral and fairy illustrations are a visual banquet that your little one will want to look at again and again.

The Book

Purple Sky Publishing
May 30, 2006
Children/Fiction - Ages 4-8
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2006
© 2006