Another Review at MyShelf.Com


by Patricia Elliott

      Written in a dark gothic style, this wonderful young adult fantasy will keep you reading to the exciting end. Agnes Cotter's life in the village is normal but dull. She has never questioned the rule of the Ministration or the odd religious theology that attributes a great and divine power to birds. Then, the crippled master of nearby Murkmere Hall, the manor that presides over a misted realm populated by oppressed villagers, sends for Aggie to become a lady's companion to his ward, Leah. At first, Leah doesn't want anything to do with Aggie, but Aggie finally finds a way to start to befriend the wild and strange girl who seems to want nothing but to escape Murkmere. Then there is the odd, handsome, and somehow threatening steward, Silas Seed, for Aggie to deal with.

As preparations begin for the ball to celebrate Leah's sixteenth birthday, Aggie feels that there are sinister plots surrounding Murkmere and Leah. The Master's forbidden book collection and the menacing machine in the watchtower tempt Aggie to investigate.

When Leah finds a soggy, dirty, swan skin in the swamps, and keeps it, working hard to clean it, Aggie is frightened by the ramifications of this development. What does this mean? Is it blasphemy? Her fear compels Aggie to cut the swan skin into tiny pieces. Leah is so upset and angry that she will no longer talk to Aggie, and begins to sew the tiny pieces back together in secret, intending to wear the swan skin at her ball.

Suspenseful and exciting, Murkmere pulls the reader into an unforgettable world caught between history and myth. The compelling characters and unique plot with a haunting setting and murky happenings, with just a touch of romance, make reading this story an unforgettable experience and a wonderful introduction to gothic fantasy.

The Book

Little, Brown
February 1, 2006
Children/Fiction/Fantasy - ages 9 and up
More at

The Reviewer

Beverly J. Rowe
Reviewed 2006
© 2006