Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Demons of the Ocean

by Justin Somper

      Twins Connor and Grace have known the sea shanty about the Vampirates for as long as they can remember. Their father used to sing it to them when they were young, to remind them, he said, that things could always be worse. Now, though, things are quite bad. Their father, Dexter Tempest, has died and left many debts behind him. The fourteen-year-old twins have nothing, and they don't want to end up living with the Busby family or at the orphanage, so they set out to sea in their father's boat (which is technically property of the bank now). It isn't long, however, before a storm comes up and destroys the boat.

Connor is rescued by a ship of pirates. He makes friends, learns to swordfight, and is well on his way to becoming a great pirate. There is still, however, the thought of Grace. No matter what anyone tells him, he can't believe that she's really gone.

Grace never thought that the Vampirates could be real, but she was wrong. She has been rescued by a ship of them and does not know her place among them. Is she in danger? Do they want her blood? No matter how many times she is reassured that this is not the case, she can't help but remember the song her father used to sing: "If pirates are bad, then vampires are worse..."

Vampirates is a wonderfully original story. It's fast-paced, action-packed and suspenseful, and keeps the reader's attention to the very end (and it's not a short book). The characters are very three-dimensional, and the plot excellent. The ending, however, leaves a lot of loose ends dangling; one can only hope that Somper has a sequel in the works!

The Book

Little, Brown and Company
October 4, 2006
Fiction - Children's/Teen Fiction (Ages 10+)
More at
NOTE: A little violence (they are, after all, pirates)

The Reviewer

Jocelyn Pearce
Reviewed 2006
© 2006