Another Review at MyShelf.Com

A Journey Far Away

by Mark J. Smiley

      Here is a fun way to learn about the solar system as a misfit snake named Sammy, along with Larry, the rat, and a super-intelligent robot named Alph, make exciting discoveries about the universe and beyond. A Journey Far Away is educational but also very entertaining. The cast of exciting, memorable characters make their way through the universe in search of happiness, and on the way they discover planets complete with oceans and volcanoes. Planets such as Mars, with its sun like a golden piece of butterscotch candy, and Venus, with its less than perfect weather conditions. There are many authenticated facts about the universe, and quite a bit that Mark Smiley's fertile imagination provided for this exciting expedition.

Smiley adds some wonderful surprises to the story to keep it entertaining. Fuel your kids' imaginations and provide lively subjects for that family time discussion. This easy to read, educational and delightful story is a great addition to your bedtime reading library.

The Book

Llumina Press
January 30, 2006
Children/Fiction - Listed for all ages - my recommendation: 8-12 year olds
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The Reviewer

Reviewed 2006
© 2006