Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Teach Me...French Spiritual Songs

by Judy Mahoney and Anne Mahoney

      This booklet and CD combo are a fun way to brush up on French as well as Bible stories and well known spiritual songs. Take a trip to Bible School with Marie and Pierre. Meet their friends and listen to familiar Bible stories in French and then sing along with the children. Some of the songs are performed in both English and French whereas others, such as Chantons le Bonheur (I Sing Happily) are performed only in French.

It is fun to read along in the illustrated booklet and hear the proper pronunciation on the CD and then sing along. The entire booklet is in French with full English translations in the back.

The quality of both the booklet and the CD are excellent and will provide entertainment as well as language skills to people seeking to improve their French skills. Listening to this CD is like sitting in on a French Bible school and learning takes place through immersion. I was excited to hear this CD since I'd taken French classes, however, the format of this CD was so much fun I'd feel comfortable picking it up in languages I'd never studied at all. What better way to get a feel for a language than to listen to it, clearly spoken, with natural pacing and intonation?

I would highly recommend this booklet and CD to Christians who want to broaden their French. The high quality of this particular set leads me to believe that others in the series will be equally as enchanting, informative, and downright fun!

The Book

Teach Me Tapes, Inc.
CD and booklet
Ages 2-12 learning / language
More at

The Reviewer

Sarah Lomas
Reviewed 2005
© 2005