Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Verses about Being Truthful
Scripture Memory Songs

by Max Lucado's Hermie & Friends

      Under the auspices of Max Lucado, Hermie and Friends presents a pleasant group of songs that teach youngster (4-8) lessons from the Bible in Scripture Memory Songs. The title I reviewed was subtitled Verses about Being Truthful and included lessons from Psalms, Ephesians, John, Proverbs, and Colossians.

The tunes are very suitable for the age group, but I must admit I found them entertaining. The singers all have good voices and are backed by professional-sounding musicians.

But the real merit of the songs is the lessons taught. The songs leave out a word that the listener is to provide, and in this process, the youngsters learn a valuable lesson from the Bible. The CD would be a good addition to any Sunday school materials.

The Book

Tommy Nelson
May 10, 2006
Music / Religious [Age Group: 4-8]
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2006
© 2006