By Ardal O'Hanlon

Henry Holt & Company Inc. - Feb. 2000
ISBN: 0805063307 – Hardcover
Fiction / Ireland / Mature theme

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Mr. O'Hanlon's debut novel will certainly be a memorable one for me. I was intrigued with his interpretation of small town life in Ireland. Although the author gives us a young woman's view through Francesca's Diary, the narrator, Patrick Scully, leaves the strongest impression. The author’s characters are well developed and strong. The only thing I worried about in this debut was the extent of the language and some scenes. 

Patrick Scully is a security guard in Dublin. He doesn't like Dublin because they are rude and not at all like the friendly folks in his hometown of Castlecock. When he comes home for a visit, he has a memorable experience that will affect his life and relationship with his on again-off again girlfriend Francesca. The reader is drawn through Scully, Francesca, and Xavier's lives, emotions, decisions, and outcomes. 

Mr. O'Hanlon's story captures the struggling emotions youth experience when changing from teen to young adult. He captures their lack of faith in life, and lets the reader hear it through their brash, colorful words. It was an interesting read. 

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