Ashes and Ice by Tracie Peterson
Yukon Quest, No. 2
Bethany House Publishers - August 2001
ISBN: 0764223798 - Paperback
Historical Christian - 1898, Alaska

Reviewed by Renee Wampler,
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Could you put your complete trust in God to guide you through troubled times? This is something Karen Pierce must learn. She has endured her share of heartache and tragedy. Karen cares for two young adults, Leah and Jacob, whose father is away working in the gold mines. When a sudden avalanche erupts, wiping out the camp below, Leah and Jacob are eager to learn the fate of their father. Karen agrees to accompany the group through the Alaskan territory. She persuades Adrik Ivano to be their guide.

I admired Karen's character; she is a take-charge kind of person that holds the group together. She develops certain feelings for Adrik, but allows her past to put a barrier between them.

The description of the Alaskan wilderness was clear to the reader. It was both breathtaking in one instant and extremely dangerous in the next. This book has both adventure and a heartwarming tale of love and friendship. There is a true example of the extreme risks these people took to discover gold and find wealth.

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