Fenders Benders by Bill Fitzhugh
HarperCollins Publishing - 2001
ISBN: 0380977575 - Hardcover
General Fiction

Reviewed by Jen Oliver, My Shelf.com
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This is an interesting story about a musician named Eddie Long who sets off for Nashville, Tennessee to make it big in the country music scene. Along the way, he encounters an old friend named Jimmy Rogers who wants to write a biography about him. Eddie hires his girlfriend, who used to be Jimmy's girlfriend, as his manager, and stands up to the high-priced producers of the label that he has signed with.

There are a lot of little things that happen behind the scenes, like a possible serial killer that uses headache powder to kill his victims, and people being hired to murder others. In this book, Bill Fitzhugh brings forth the question of whether or not there is a serial killer, and if the serial killer is the person that was suggested.

This is a well-written and fascinating book that keeps the reader entertained. It is a fast-paced, wonderful story about an interesting field - the music industry. The author provides a truly unique look at this business. What a great idea for a book!

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