Act of God
By Susan R. Sloan
Warner - April 2002
ISBN: 0446524514 - Hardcover
for explicit Violence

Reviewed by: Robyn Glazer, MyShelf.Com
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Seattle Family Services Center has been a solace to many of the citizens in Seattle. Although, there are many services offered there, such as health care and day care, it is the abortion clinic that draws the most attention and causes the most conflict. When the center is bombed and over two hundred people are injured or killed, the police's investigation leads them to believe the abortion clinic was the target. Tempers begin to flare between pro-lifers and pro-choicer's, and everyone wants an answer to who did this so they can go back to feeling safe. Finally, six weeks after the bombing, the police arrest Corey Dean Latham, a naval officer. Everyone is ready to string Corey up by his thumbs - everyone, that is, but his lawyer Dana McAuliffe. She went to the jail expecting to meet a monster. Instead, she was faced with a clean-cut, seemingly innocent man. Dana knows that she is going to have to put everything in her life on hold for this case, but she can not stand by and let, what she believes to be, an innocent man go to jail. It will cost her everything, and if she is wrong, her life could be irrevocably changed.

This is Susan Sloan's first book in about three years, and I have been eagerly awaiting it for that long since she is one of my favorite authors. I was excited to see she had a new book coming out but was upset to see it was about a bombing. Indeed, at first, it was hard to read because of what happened on 9/11 but Sloan handles this sensitive subject with an immense amount of sympathy and tact. This book was absolutely amazing, and I don't think that it is possible for her to have done it any better. The resolution is one that has caused me to keep thinking about this book. With every book, Susan Sloan increases her ability and before long should be known by any serious fan of writing. Please don't let the violence scare you off what might turn out to be the best book of 2002.

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