A Novel of the Bell Witch
By Melissa Sanders-Self
Warner Books - May 2002
ISBN 0446526916 HB
Fiction / Historical / Supernatural
1820, Tennessee

Reviewed by: Rachel A Hyde,
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The subtitle of this book is "A Novel of the Bell Witch" and tells, in the words of thirteen-year-old Betsy Bell, the well-known story of the demonic poltergeist that haunted the hardworking, upright Bell family, one of the most compelling and well-documented cases of this type in existence. The skilful use of the pubescent Betsy as narrator draws the reader in from page one and the description of farm life with the everyday tasks, neighbors' visits, her love for young Josh Gardner and family members is balanced out perfectly by the terrifying visitation of the "Witch" with its singing, Bible readings, physical assaults and occasional acts of kindness. But this is more than just a tale of early 19th century rural life with a supernatural thread through it, for there is worse going on in the Bell household that the manifestation, and knowing what we today know about poltergeists might even help explain the unexplainable - or at least it makes for a jolly good story and brings the familiar tale up-to-date.

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