At the Crossroads
By Frankie Schelly
FireSign Exclusives-December 2001
1931391327-Trade Paperback
Fiction / Women's Issues

Reviewed by Jen Oliver, MyShelf.Com
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This book takes a very interesting look at issues that have concerned women of all ages and throughout the world. This story takes a look at four nuns and how their religion and society plays a role in their lives. The issues of abortion, interracial relationships, egg donation and living wills are discussed in a witty, everyday-life type of dialogue.

Ms. Schelly is able to introduce Vivian, Mary Ruth, Kimberly, and Sister Dominic as real people and not as stereotypical nuns concerned with the Catholic religion instead of feminist issues. The reader is drawn to the lives of these Sisters and to their issues. A back issue that these Sisters are facing is the closing of the Catholic school where these Sisters work. It adds to the story line in a healthy way. None of these women's issues take any more precedence than any other. Ms. Schelly is able to incorporate all of the issues fairly and in an intelligible manner.

The characters are well developed and easy to relate to. The setting of the school takes a role, but it does not take away from the story lines of each Sister. This book is overall an enjoyable and fast-paced read.

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