The Baby Merchants
By Leonie Campbell
American Book Classics - 2001
1930586337 - eBook
Fiction / Vietnamese

Reviewed by: Jen Oliver, MyShelf.Com
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This is a touching story about the orphanages and the adoption of Vietnamese children. This book tells about the hardship of American women who try to help Vietnamese orphanages and villages and try to help stop the selling of children on the Black Market. It shows the importance that Vietnam has placed on male children and the country's political issues, i.e. the importance of money. It shows how poorly the children are kept in the orphanages and what adoptive parents have to go through in order to adopt children.

Ms. Campbell does a tremendous job in balancing the issues of Vietnam. She creates emotion for the reader through the experiences of the American women in the orphanages. The book is well written and is appreciated by the reader. The reader will not be confused by the politics of Vietnam. The plotline is well put together and moves throughout the story. The character development is good.

If you enjoy reading about Vietnam or international adoptions, pick up a copy of this book. It shows what could possibly happen over in Vietnam and what could happen on the Black Market with Vietnamese children.

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