Coming to My Senses
By Pam Rice
Five Star - July 2002
Fiction / Women

Reviewed by Jen Oliver, MyShelf.Com
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"Coming to My Senses" is a touching novel about Addie Marsh, an elderly woman who is slowly losing her eyesight. While residing at her cabin home in the mountains by Bear Lake, she meets Sybil and her abusive boyfriend. Sybil and Addie create a special friendship. Addie becomes torn between living to her disability or living with her disability. Addie joins a group of other people who have lost or are losing their eyesight. Through the other members, she is shown that one goes through moments of depression and accomplishments.

Ms. Rice does a great job in telling Addie's life story through flashbacks and current moments. There were a couple of times where the reader got lost in the flashbacks and then sent back to the future. The character development of Addie was excellent. It showed how resilient a person could be when faced with obstacles in their life. The reader was able to get lost in Addie's life and was amazed at what Addie was able to accomplish despite losing her eyesight. The story line was easy to follow and was believable. This is a quick-paced read that keeps the reader's interest.

"Coming to My Senses" is a remarkable story about how a person with a disability is able to overcome and learn to live with and not suffer from their disability.

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