A Complete Woman
By Nicole Givens Kurtz
Mocha Memoirs Press - December 2001
ISBN: 1-59113-052-2 - Paperback
Fiction / African American

Reviewed by: Alvin Romer, MyShelf.com
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A Complete Woman is a story of one woman's fight to find herself amidst angst and trepidation. Throw in the trials and tribulations of five other characters and you have total chaos! The author, Nicole Givens Kurtz, deals in stereotypical fashion in detailing devastating emotional turmoil and the struggle mentally for answers to questions not readily available in the loss of the ability to bear children. This should have been the crux of this story along with a compelling message for hope and justification to give the readership a better storyline. Tracy Johnson the protagonist, has had yet another miscarriage, her third. In her estimation and view of things, this is not the epitomy of a complete woman as she labors to realistically find herself despite being in the middle of problems happening to her friends... who likewise are trying to find the formula for completeness. This book would appeal to those women that may have experienced this type of ordeal.

The characterization for the book leans heavily on the sameness for each individual portrayed with not enough diversity to help move and pace the story. There seems to be too much going on in a book with only 136 pages. One would've hoped that extending the book to add space and wherewithal for more plot would be daunting, if not a major improvement. One of the brighter points, though, is the dialogue and narrative style that lends a lot to Ms Kurtz command of street jargon.

If the author's intent was to weave believability in this effort at completeness, perhaps the next effort would give her readership more anticipation of a complete book.

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