Flight Lessons
By Patricia Gaffney
HarperCollins July 2002
ISBN: 0060185287
Explicit content

Reviewed by Vickie Adkins, MyShelf.com
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Flight Lessons is a book about going home. When Anna Catalano's love life is torn asunder, she's persuaded by one eccentric aunt to use this time in her life to go to the aid of another eccentric aunt, Rose. Rose runs the family restaurant, the Bella Sorella in Maryland's eastern shores and is in desperate need of a new manager. Only problem is, Anna and Rose are barely on speaking terms due to an event that occurred while Anna's mother lay dying of cancer.

Anna decides to take the job, telling herself it will only be temporary, and that she will not allow herself to let down the protective walls that have taken years to build up. Discovering Anna's reasoning for distrust of Aunt Rose helps you understand her fear of forgiving and forgetting of past deeds, but also gives insight to her many failed relationships.

Gaffney's characters, especially those of the restaurant employees, are colorfully described. You find yourself floating above the hot stove, listening to the rumblings of Carmen, the unhappy, unmarried, overweight chef, or looking through binoculars with Mason, the bird-photographer with a past of his own.

Romance, young and old, filters the pages of Flight Lessons - a good read, easy flow, but not easy to put down.

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