A Spiritual Fantasy
By Louis N. Gruber
1stBooks Library - October 2001
ISBN: 0759658919 - Paperback
Fiction: Inspirational Fantasy

Reviewed by: Nancy Marie, MyShelf.Com
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Ten men and two women begin receiving cryptic messages asking them to meet at a certain time and in a certain place. In spite of their misgivings, all twelve individuals answer the call. Whom they meet there, what they hear, and what they see and feel there, not only rocks their worlds, but shakes the very foundations of their faith. For all twelve people are Christian leaders in one form or another. The range from an Orthodox Catholic priests to a televangelists, and the person who fills their hearts with love and peace claims to be none other than the Son of God, Jesus Christ, himself.

As Jay, as the man calls himself, heals their ills, restores their marriages, and removes their doubts, their faith and love for the man grows. He teaches them without teaching, neither answering their questions nor avoiding them, but making them think for themselves outside the boxes of their religious beliefs and theologies. He teaches them a new method of prayer and how to really hear God's voice. Most of all, he teaches them to love one another completely and to worship no one and nothing, not even the Bible, the name of God, or any religion or theology above God himself.

However, his sayings are distorted by the media, and those who are unwilling to give up their pre-conceived ideas about God become hostile. As their outrage grows, the tension mounts, and the only question left to be answered is: "Will history repeat itself, as it always does?"

This, perhaps, is one of the hardest reviews I have ever written simply because I find myself at a lack of words to describe how deeply this book affected me. The truths revealed so simply through Jay's teaching are so profound, so deep, and so incredibly true, that words fail me. Time and again, I found myself say, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" as one truth after another was offered through the character of Jay.

As a student of religion, I have read and studied many theological doctrines, not all of which, I have to admit, I fully understood, and not all of which I fully agreed with. And, I have to admit that I did not agree with all of the ideas presented in this book. However, Jay: A Spiritual Fantasy, does a better job of revealing and explaining many basic spiritual truths than many of the other theological works I have read.

I recommend that anyone seeking to know God more fully, not only read this book, but read it more than once. Read it again, and again, and again, for I am positive that you will find it rewarding in more ways than one.

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