By Gregory Maguire
Regan Books - October 2, 2001
ISBN: 0060393823 - Hardcover

Reviewed by Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Gregory Maguire was first known for his children's books. Later he hit the bestseller list with adult books inspired by classic children's tales: Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister and Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. In fact, he also mentions or quotes other classic children's literature throughout the book. In Lost, Dr. Suess, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and others are either quoted or mentioned. I haven't read either of Maguire's earlier books, but after experiencing his latest, Lost, inspired by the character of Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, I will be looking them up because Maguire has found a permanent fan in me.

The story begins when the lead character, American writer Winifred Rudge visits London to work on her latest book. She stays at her step cousin's flat in a building which was originally built as her great, great, great grandfather's country house. Family history had it that Dickens visited the estate and their ancestor was the inspiration for Scrooge, because he was a cantankerous old man haunted by ghosts from the past. Winnie feels one of the ghosts may have stayed behind to continue its revenge.

Upon arriving, Winnie finds her cousin's kitchen under construction, the workers spooked and her cousin missing. It isn't long before she starts experiencing odd things herself and seeks out the neighbors in search of a more earthly spin to the situation. Everyone Winnie meets seems to be mildly impatiently with her, but when she starts talking ghosts and goblins, they become ruder than usual and brush her off. In time, she does meet up with another American who takes an interest in her plight.

Among tightly-woven mysteries, well this is one tightly-woven scare. Lost is an eerie tale of twists and turns created to play with reader's mind. The characters go from mere feelings to suspicion to denial and back again. For some, it may be too much when eerie turns to gross, but for me it made for an up-all-night-read.

Maguire is a grand storyteller, the kind that could turn a simple walk down the street into a heart-palpitating adventure. His smooth voice makes the journey from one breath-holding moment to next, mesmerizing, and the only way to experience it is by reading one of his classically-inspired stories.

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