Passing Thoughts
By Caryn Suarez
NeighborhoodPress - January 2002
ISBN 1-89310880-5 - Paperback
Fiction / Short Stories

Reviewed by: Susan Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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After reading Caryn's first book, "Crazy Like Fly", picking up this book felt like reuniting with an old friend. Her last book was a story of growing up in an abusive home and hit a very strong emotional cord. "Passing Thoughts" is a compilation of short stories and poems from Caryn's earliest writing times until present. Through the progression of her works, the reader can see her personal growth as well as her growth as a writer. The reader grows with Caryn through her good times and suffers with her through her very bad times. Many of her poems reflect her need and great desire to be loved. A need most of us as humans feel. Many of her works also reflect the pain of an abused child. Not only is her pain reflected but the fear and pain for her siblings as she watches them endure the same abuse. Later in her works, the reader recognizes that Caryn has found love and experiences the joy of beginning her own family. After years of abuse and sadness, it is wonderful to see the happiness and ecstasy shine through in these works. A joy I feel is well-deserved. Overall, this collection reads like an autobiography of Caryn's life through all her ups and downs. Enjoyable in most cases, Enlightening in all.

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