The Republic of East L.A.
By Luis J. Rodriguez
Rayo, an Imprint of Harper Collins 2002
ISBN: 0066212634
Fiction -Short Stories

Reviewed by Carolyn Howard-Johnson,
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Take A Ride Through "East L.A"
A Glimpse Into the LA Few Natives Have Seen

Here is an author looking for love and occasionally finding it. That's not always what authors do but it is a blessing that Luis J. Rodriquez does it in The Republic of East L.A.

A collection of stories set in a part of Los Angeles that even natives have not seen, do not know. Rodriguez has an eye for his culture and a sometimes imperfect way of telling a story that only adds credibility to the subjects he writes about. His stories ring so true and, at the same time, have such a foreign/fantasy quality, we are not sure if they are fiction or fact. If we were told for sure, we still might not feel enlightened. There would be doubt-in either case-- that the information we were given was not accurate .

That these stories have a rough edge, that they are not always perfectly told, is not important because they are poignantly told. Mostly they cross the barrio barrier for all to enjoy. Occasionally they don't. If you are interested in culture, speak Spanish or are familiar with Hispanic/American way of life, you will have no trouble. If you aren't, you will still find some of these stories worth a bit of a struggle. Especially "Pigeons." This tale about new Mexican immigrant prejudices against second generation Mexicans and vice versa is worth the entire ride through "East L.A."

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