By D. J. Brown
Picasso Publications, Inc. - February 2002
ISBN: 1552790401 - Paperback
Fiction / Humorous
E: Explicit sexual references

Reviewed by Nancy Mehl,
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In the 70's, Marabel Morgan's book, THE TOTAL WOMAN, jumped off bookshelves and into the hands of wives who wanted to find a way to rekindle the passion that was once in their marriages. The book had many good points, but it's a known fact that after its release, America's supply of Saran Wrap became dangerously low. (If you don't know what I mean, you'll have to read the book. I have no intention of explaining the phenomenon - even if I could.)

Now, D. J. Brown has given us a new treat - THE TOTAL MAN. This tongue-in-cheek parody of Morgan's book turns the tables - with hilarious results. In today's society, with massive layoffs placing men in the position of being the spouse at home with the house and the kids, what would happen if men applied the principles of "totalism" to themselves? The answer is funny - yet strangely appealing. How many women would love to see their man obsessed with having an appealing dinner on the table when they come home from work or trying to scrub the stubborn soap scum off the tiles in the shower? (Sounds good to me!)

Brown presents a world where women rule - and men turn off their football games to clean the house and do the laundry so that their "breadwinner" can relax in a hot bath with a glass of wine when she comes home from her stressful day.

THE TOTAL WOMAN is a fun, easy to read book that will make women readers laugh. Leave it where your husband can find it. Who knows? He may take it seriously. Okay, maybe not. But it's nice to dream!

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