Toughest Battle
By Regina Pride
IUniverse - June 2001
ISBN: 0595185908 - Trade Paperback
Mainstream / Contemporary

Reviewed by Jen Oliver,
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This book is about how a man, Brian Clark, tries to reclaim his life that he left five years ago. He has realized what he had done to the woman that he loved, Pamela, and his daughter, LaToya, whom he has never met. He also tries to reestablish his relationship with his brother, Tommy. He is able to rebuild his life slowly and show everyone that he is serious about becoming the man that they could all trust and love again. Throughout all of this trying, there are two people who are out to get Brian.

Ms. Pride does a fantastic job in pulling the reader into Brian's life. She has the reader hoping that Brian is able to regain Pamela's love and reconnect with his brother. The reader wants Brian to meet his daughter and prove to her that he wants to be her father, not just another man who jumped in and out of her life.

This is a perfect book that will grab you in and make you forget about your own life. So if you want a book that you can sink your teeth in, pick up a copy.

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