Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: PageFree Publishing, Inc.  
Release Date:  November 2003 (Reprint)
ISBN:   1-58961-117-9
Format Reviewed:  PDF file / Paperback
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Genre:   Fiction / Contemporary; Duluth, Minnesota / Holiday: Christmas
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer:   Lynda E. Lukow
Reviewer Notes:

A Christmas Dream
By Janet Elaine Smith  

     Susan Quincey built a wall around her heart the day she learned her husband had been killed by friendly fire in Kuwait. She lives only to give their son, Jeremy, the best life a working, widowed mother can.

     Kevin Dockter had never before given his heart to a woman, but from the day he interviewed Susan, he felt she could be "the one." He gleans the facts of her sad past from her resume, and then, with a little help from fate, patiently pursues a future.

     With Jeremy, Santa and Christmas surprises on his side, how can Kevin fail to show Susan she can love again?

     A Christmas Dream is a touching tale of love and hope, wrapped in Christmas magic. Janet Elaine Smith pulls readers into the story through her realistic plot and genuine characters. Her work provides the perfect remedy for the holiday blues and might just rekindle one's childhood belief in Santa.