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Publisher: AmErica House
Release Date:
December 2002
ISBN: 159129195X
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Humor/Historical (Late 19th century, The West)
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Rachel A Hyde
Reviewer Notes:

How The West Was Lost
By George Elkin Albitz 

     It can be argued that there wasn't anything funny about the Old West, especially for Native Americans, but here is a novel that might well change that. The Mopache tribe live their peaceful lives, doing the usual things, blissfully unaware that they are no longer alone. When they see their first white man they imagine they have seen a demon, one who can't talk properly and smells into the bargain. Thus begins the tale as clumsy Cold Duck and his idiotic sidekick, Larry, end up in the forefront of it all: learning to hunt, dealing with the settlers (including the military), fighting in a war and wondering what is in store beyond the confines of the reservation.

     You can just imagine this one on television somehow as a spoof of every western and the history you learned in school. Reading it, I was almost picking out a cast and if you like your humor in this vein, I expect you will be doing so, too. Comedy succeeds at an individual level so it is hard to review; you either find a comic novel funny or you don't, but this one has the virtue of being a bit different and manages to keep itself clean and politically correct, in case you are worried about this. It's traditional slapstick humor for the modern age. They say laughter is the best medicine, so why not relax and have a chuckle.

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