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Publisher: Warner Books
Release Date: October 2003
ISBN: 0446530727
Format Reviewed: Advance Review Copy
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Genre: Fiction General
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Sheila Griffin
Reviewer Notes: Profane language is profuse in this book

How to Meet Cute Boys
Deanna Kizis

       At 27, Benjamina "Ben" Franklin has it all -- a great job writing for a magazine, lots of friends, invites to all of the best parties and a fantastic best friend. Ben also has a safety guy that she can take to parties or to bed with no notice or commitment required. What more could a woman want?! A steady boyfriend would be nice but since she's getting lucky on pretty regular basis she's quite content. Then one night, she meets Max, the man of her dreams.

     There's only one problem. He's hardly a man at all; he's just a boy. Max is only 20 years old. The first time Ben saw Star Wars, Max was little more than a twinkle in his daddy's eye. Despite Max's youth and immaturity, he'll do for now. When the time comes to settle down, Ben can dump him for a suitable suitor. For the time being though, everything's great.

     When she helps her little sister with wedding plans, Ben's feelings start to change. As she gets serious about Max, he starts avoiding her. In classic female fashion, she pursues him, which causes him to run even faster. Of course, in classic male fashion, he can't just tell her that she is getting too serious. He has to play mind games instead. So most of the book is filled with Ben questioning herself and everyone she meets...does Max love her or not?

     This book is filled with vulgar language. Scarcely a page passes without profanity being tossed about. In the eyes of some, this probably adds realism; I just found it tiresome. On a brighter note the book is filled with articles that Ben wrote for her magazine. These are fun and really make the book. Combine Bridget Jones's Diary with Cosmopolitan Magazine. Add the show Sex in the City and you have How to Meet Cute Boys.


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