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Publisher: Time Warner Audio Books
Release Date: June 2003
ISBN: 1586214993
Format Reviewed: Unabridged edition (Cassettes)
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Genre: Literary / Fantasy / Mystery
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Brenda Weeaks

Reviewer Notes: Explicit Violence, Sex, Language

Review 1

The Lake House
By James Patterson 

Hope Davis (Reader), Stephen Lang (Reader)

The Lake House is the conclusion of When the Wind Blows.

      Kit, Frannie and Max of Patterson’s SF/suspense When the Wind Blows are back. It seems there is more that eleven-year-old Max has yet to reveal, and it’s about to come back to haunt her and possibly kill others.

     Veterinarian Frannie O’Neill applies for custody of six children raised government experimental labs, but the original parents also want their children back and the judge agrees.

     Frannie loses more than the kids when Kit heads back to Washington and his job. As the children try to live with their parents, the reader must suspend belief in order to accept that the winged-children are expected to live ordinary lives and go to normal school. They suffer the typical prejudice of being different and wish to be back with Frannie. The kids eventually see her again, but not the way they had all expected – on the run with a sinister man in pursuit. It’s the second suspense-filled nightmare for them all and not everyone makes it out safely.

     Patterson creates the villain of all villains in this one. His voice lulls unsuspected patients to sleep with the promise of making their dreams come true, only to rob them of their lives. It’s as spine-tingling as a medical SF suspense can get.

     Hope Davis and Stephen Lang are the readers. Ms. Davis carries the story and characters off quite well and Stephen Lang brings the evil doctor’s voice to life.

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