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Publisher: Bethany House
Release Date: May 2003
ISBN: 0764225308
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback
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Genre: Fiction / Inspirational (Suspense / Romance / Medical)
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Sheila Griffin
Reviewer Notes:

Urgent Care
The Healing Touch, No. 3
By Hannah Alexander 

     Jessica has recently married a pastor named Archer Pierce. She's struggling to be like her mother-in-law, the perfect pastor's wife.

     Archer is overwhelmed, trying to be everything to everyone. What he really wants is to spend some time with his new wife. The deacons are unsympathetic and don't take his pleas for help seriously. If his daddy could do it, so can he. Something has got to give.
One night Archer goes on a mission of mercy from which he doesn't return. The whole town turns out to help in the search. Jessica is amazed that the same people who have criticized her for being less than perfect are now all being so supportive--well, almost all. There are still a few who tell her that the reason they haven't found her husband yet is her lack of faith. Instead of driving around searching, she should just stay at the church and pray. With friends like these...

     This book starts with the birth of a baby in the middle of a tornado and the action never lets up, yet the emotional and spiritual side are not neglected either.

     Hannah Alexander has a talent for making characters believable and situations interesting. The people of Dogwood Springs are like people I know from my own life; some are loveable and some are as annoying as all get out! The good ones make me wish they were my own friends and the irritating ones make me want to shake them.
The author speaks of God in a very loving, personal way, without being overbearing. This book is interesting enough that it can be read and enjoyed by both believers and nonbelievers.

     This book is part of a series, and while some references are made to the previous books it is a very good stand alone book. As for the other books in the series, I can't wait to read them!

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