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Publisher: Warner Books / TimeWarner
Release Date: 2004
ISBN: 0446531413
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre: Fiction-General
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Jen Oliver

Reviewer Notes:  Explicit sex, drugs, and language

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On a Night Like This
By Ellen Sussman

     It's time for a high school reunion and Luke Bellingham has the misfortune of looking for the lost members of his high school class. In his search, he rediscovers his classmate, Blair Clemens. In high school, they ran in different crowds. Blair was the quiet misfit while Luke was one of the most popular kids. Luke becomes intrigued with Blair when he rediscovers her. Can they get past their differences and become friends? On a Night Like This is the debut for Ms. Sussman and if her follow-ups are anything like this one, she will have a very successful career as an author. Ms. Sussman creates two likeable characters and allows the reader to feel for each of them on their own bearings. The reader can tell how anxious Luke is feeling about being reunited with one of the misfits, Blair. The story line is simple but adds so many dimensions to it. On a Night Like This is not dull and can be enjoyed by the harshest of critics. This reader encourages Ms. Sussman to continue writing and looks forward to reading more by her.