Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Effects of Light

By Miranda Beverly Whittemore

    Myla and Pru Wolfe, as youngsters, are the subjects of amazing art photographs, the likes of which are rarely seen.

    And for good reason. Though the photos weren't meant for harm, in the hands and mind of predators or other malefactors, it's possible that anything can happen, and in this case, it does, leading to heartache, recriminations and blame.

    The Effects of Light is a thoughtful examination of the various ways human beings see and sometimes misunderstand art. Some see it as beauty, some--as in poor taste.

    I guess the old saying is really true in this case--'beauty' (or the lack of it) 'is in the eye of the beholder.'

    A sad, poignant, yet true-to-life examination of how mixed up things can get when we least expect it.





The Book

Warner Books / Time Warner
Contemporary / women's fiction
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The Reviewer

Nancy Williams
Reviewed 2005
NOTE: Reviewer Nancy Williams is the author of the inspirational romances "Coming Home to Mercy Street," "In the Company of Angels," "In The Shadow of the Cherubim."
© 2005