Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Maranther's Deception

By Nik C. Colyer

     Imagine yourself on a nice vacation with your spouse, then all of a sudden you lose your spouse and are drifted into time. This is what happens to Martin and Leigha Vandorfor in Maranther's Deception. During their separate journeys throughout the Sonora desert, they meet up with a mysterious medicine woman who tells them that they have to prove themselves in order to be reunited. Both Leigha and Martin are faced with their pasts and their futures. Can they be reunited before it's too late?

     Mr. Colyer, the author of the wonderful Channeling Biker Bob series, has another fantastic read under his belt. Maranther's Deception is refreshing and adds a new element to the writing world. His depictions of Leigha and Martin make the reader feel for them and want them to face whatever they need to face and be reunited. The fact that it takes place in a desert with Native American medicinal characters adds to the mysterious feel to the story.

     At first, readers may not think that Maranther's Deception is worth the read, but pick it up and get lost in the journey that Leigha and Martin must take in order to be true to themselves and each other.

The Book

Singing Reed Press
April 2005
Fiction-Time Travel
More at 



The Reviewer

Jen Oliver
Reviewed 2005
© 2005