Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Second Assistant
A Tale from the Bottom of the Hollywood Ladder

by Clare Naylor and Mimi Hare

      When Elizabeth Miller unexpectedly loses her beloved job in politics, she decides to take up an offer to apply for work in Hollywood. She's hired as a second assistant to a young producer who is hotheaded and known to be a raging drug addict. The only friend she makes in this self-absorbed and superficial world she finds herself in, is Lara, the first assistant.

      Elizabeth begins a wild and star-studded journey through Hollywood as she tries to figure out who she can trust and what she really wants to accomplish with her life. She transforms from a simple, dependable political girl to a made-up, living beyond her means, Hollywood girl. In the end, she remains a loyal employee, but with Hollywood blonde highlights and a craving for expensive clothing.

       This book makes a perfect companion for reading on the beach. It's a fast-paced, no-brainer that will take you behind the scenes in Hollywood and make you feel like you're peeking into a world you're not supposed to see. The dialogue is good and the characters are very quirky and fun. The setting is also quite intriguing, as most of us don't get to brush shoulders with various celebrities in our day to life.

      I enjoyed the book, once I got into it, but my only complaint is the ending. Given Elizabeth's developing goals and motivation throughout the book, I was confused as to whether the ending was supposed to be a positive or a negative thing for her. You'll have to take the journey to Hollywood with Elizabeth for yourself and see what you think at the end. Regardless of how you interpret the ending, one thing's for certain, you will know whether or not you'd ever want to be part of the Hollywood scene!

The Book

April 2005
Trade paperback
Chic Lit.
More at

The Reviewer

Sarah Lomas
Reviewed 2005
© 2005