Another Review at MyShelf.Com

First in the Me&YouToo Tetralogy

by Bob Harvey

      Rarely is the topography of a book the most salient point to mention, but in the case of Catalyst: Me&You Too, by Bob Harvey, I think it should be the case. Harvey’s story about Justin, a recent transplant from Texas who is adopted by a cat named You Too, is told in a book filled with colors, fonts and graphics that will literally make your eyes pop out.

You Too seems to have some mystical connection with Justin and his crew, many of whom have just lost their homes due to a fire that may or may not have been an instance of arson.

When Justin and his crew decide to build a homestead that will cater only to people with pets, they run into all kinds of adventures dealing with an unscrupulous builder. Each member of the cast has his moment in the sun.

The story, although anticlimactic, is good enough, but what excites me is the possibility of this new technology. The fonts and colors may have been overdone just a bit, but I see tremendous possibilities from this technology. Some of the fonts were hard to read, and all the color, fonts, and illustrations tended to get in the way of the story at first, but then they blended right in. I was surprised that this book could be published for $21.95, taking into account the color pages, fonts and illustrations. I am excited about seeing other books like this one (tamed down just a bit). It was a pleasure reading this book. Readers should take a look just to see what is possible in publishing these days.

The Book

Synergy Books
October 2006
More at

The Reviewer

Willie Elliott
Reviewed 2006
© 2006