Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Rebels of Ireland
The Dublin Saga

by Edward Rutherfurd

      This sequel to The Princes of Ireland begins with the Irish Revolt of 1594 and ends with the early 20th century rise of Sinn Fein and the Irish Republican Army. It is a journey through Irish history with the British conquest of Ireland and the long religious turmoil when the Protestants and Catholics collide.

The story is centered in Dublin and Wicklaw Mountains. It is told from the diverse viewpoints of several interrelated families, some of whom are heirs of the early characters in The Princes of Ireland and are followed through their struggles from 1597 to the early 20th century, with the daily drama of individuals shaped by their beliefs and their quest for freedom from oppression and religious tolerance at any cost. The author offers insights into a country with families with divided loyalties. One of the overreaching themes is the role played by the subjugation by the British, causing scars of religious wars and rebel sympathizers. There is a long political and spiritual quest for independence and security. Special attention is given to the famous potato famine in the mid 1800's.

This is a personalized history of complex cultural, economic, religious and political conflicts. It is the portrait of a nation with authentic historical detail. There is a huge cast of finely drawn characters, humanized by their conflicts and changing fortunes through the centuries. There is romance, action, conflict, intrigue and adventure, something for everyone. It is readable romantic epic, which is history as it should be read.

This is a monumental sequel (896 pages) to The Princes of Ireland. It weighs three pounds!!! But is worth every ounce...

The Book

Feb 28,2006
Historical Fiction Ireland 1597-1920
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The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2006
© 2006