By William Martin 

Time Warner Audio Books - February 1999
Read by Barry Bostwick 
Ficton / Historical

Reviewed by: Brenda Weeaks, MyShelf.Com
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Citizen Washington is a wonderful story about the father of our country. Although the largest percentage of America holds Washington up as a hero and historical character to remember, a man who had known him all his life and was consider one of his critiques in his day didn't. After Washington's death, Hesperus Draper's only goal was to prove Washington was a man and not the demigod that the American people thought him to be. After paying a servant to spy, Hesperus learns that Mrs. Washington has burned some letters immediately after her husbands’ death. This feeds his desire to expose Washington, so he sends his nephew, Charles on an assignment to talk to everyone who ever knew Washington in his lifetime. 

This leads Christopher on a fascinating, memorable trip to meet many people we now consider famous in history. Through these interviews, he follows Washington's life, from the time he is born, to his first job and being a new landowner, to his marriage, his military services, and his political life, all the way to his death. Christopher's outcome of the interviews and his relationship with his uncle add to the story. 

Barry Bostwick's reading impressed me! When one listens to an audio the reader does make a difference. He was able to keep the characters separate by speaking differently for each one.  An expert reading, Mr. Bostwick! 

I was amazed that so much could happen to one man in a lifetime. The political and military details are fascinating. Historians and fiction readers will love this. I thought the ending was unique. 

This is an audio worth taking the time to listen to. 

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