Murder and The Science of Forensic Detection
By Hugh Miller
St. Martin's Press – Dec. 2000
ISBN: 0312205465
Nonfiction / Crime / Forensic Science

Reviewed by: Susan Johnson, MyShelf.Com
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"What the Corpse Revealed" is a series of sixteen true life mysteries that would not have been solved without the aid of forensic science. The majority of the cases are in European countries but there is a healthy dose of American mysteries also.

I would have to say the most intriguing case was a locked room mystery. A well to do couple is found dead, inside a room with both the windows and the doors locked.  They have one bullet wound each to the heart. Then the mystery really starts to get perplexing. On the autopsy table it is discovered that neither couple have a bullet in them. How did the killer get in the locked room? How did the killer shoot and kill the couple without leaving a bullet?

Later on in the book a newly retired TV star begins receiving threatening letters. The letters then increase into overt violence when his nasal spray is tampered with. The police seem to come close to solving the crime when they discover the fingerprints of the perpetrator. Problem is the prints belong to the actor's brother who has been dead for 10 years.

It was very interesting to see the different techniques that are used to solve these crimes. Criminals go to great lengths to get away with murder but science foils the felons. A good read divided into chapters that allowed me to pick it up, read a chapter and then lay it aside for a later time.

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