A Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions
By Scott Adams
ISBN: 0887308589 - Paperback
Non-Fiction / Business / Workplace

Reviewed by Suzie Housley,
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Anyone who has ever worked in an office has probably heard the name Dilbert mentioned around the coffeepot. This highly popular cartoon character is the 'mascot' of every corporation worldwide. Dilbert is able to combine his many humorous office adventures with some of the toughest management issues, such as downsizing, performance appraisals and team building. Throughout the pages of Scott Adams THE DILBERT PRINCIPLE A CUBICLE'S-EYE VIEW OF BOSSES, MEETINGS, MANAGEMENT FADS & OTHER WORKPLACE AFFLICIATIONS, I found myself relating 'Dilbert" scenes with my own daily office experience. Like millions of other people, I am fully convinced Scott Adams works at my company. How else would he have the insider knowledge to feature Dilbert and his office mates in the same situation I have encountered each workday? For anyone looking for a view at what "real" life is like on the inside, be sure to add this book to you MUST BUY list. This delightful novel would be an excellent Christmas present for anyone 8-80. WARNING: This book is damaging to your funny bone!

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