The Educated Student
Getting the Most Out of Your College Years
By Richard Labunski
Marley and Beck Press - September 2002
ISBN: 0-9677498-8-3
Non-Fiction / Education

Reviewed by Jeff Shelby, MyShelf.Com
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The Educated Student is a serious-minded look at navigating the numerous hoops of college, with the aim to provide potential students and their families with a road map towards graduation.

The book focuses entirely on academic matters, from choosing the right courses to developing relationships with professors to finding the best places to study.

Dr. Labunski bases the book on his twenty-plus years of teaching in America's major universities. Perhaps his most enlightening chapter is the one covering preparation for exams. He gives the reader insight into how to review notes and points out that professors actually don't enjoy grading exams.

Labunski also devotes some space to legal issues facing incoming freshmen and covers the sensitive topic of sexual harassment. His clear, concise explanation of the steps that need to be taken if any student feels threatened or harassed should be mandatory reading in every freshman seminar.

While the book is full of straightforward, practical information, it could use a few anecdotes from Labunski's teaching years to flesh out some of his directives. Without those anecdotes, the book will surely appeal more to parents than students.

Nonetheless, Labunski's voice and knowledge are authoritative and the book provides a wealth of inside information to any family sending their first child off to college.

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