TV's Other Guide
The Lost Final Seasons to America's Favorite Retro Shows
By Joel Starkey
Dry Bones Press -2001
ISBN: 1883938988 - TPB
for explicit Language

Reviewed by: Robyn Glazer, MyShelf.Com
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To read TV's Other Guide, a sense of humor is required. The first part of this book breaks down the "last" seasons of some cult favorite shows from our past. Starkey makes up some incredibly imaginative endings for characters from such shows, as Eight is Enough, The Brady Bunch, Dynasty, Charlie's Angels and more. For example, in one episode, Marcia is forced to shave her head by Jan and Greg wears a Satan shirt to church. Starkey finds a way to make all of the clichés from the shows horrendously funny.

My favorite part about this book is the imaginary interviews Starkey holds with different cast members. He manages to pick out the one or two most memorable characters and their stories for this. This is a light, fun book that is not to be taken seriously. TV's Other Guide should end up as source of entertainment for many people.

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