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Publisher: Windsor Press and Publishing
Release Date:  2003
ISBN:   0972647309
Format Reviewed: Hardcover  
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Genre:   Nonfiction: Prison life, biographical
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jen Oliver  
Reviewer Notes:  

Inside Out
Fifty years behind the walls of New Jersey's Trenton State Prison
By Harry Camisa and Jim Franklin 

     Inside Out takes the reader on a very personal tour of what it is like to be a prison guard for one of highest security prisons in New Jersey. Harry Camisa allows the reader to look at 50 years of his life as a prison guard at Trenton State Prison. This book looks at how Mr. Camisa dealt with prisoners on an equal basis, no matter what the crime was for the person in prison. Inside Out also allows the reader to look at the death penalty and how prison guards deal with it on an individual level.

     Mr. Camisa and Mr. Franklin take the time to let readers have a unique look at the inside of a prison and how it can affect individuals. The writing is easy to follow. There are also pictures of individual prisoners and of the prison during its many years of changes that coincide with the writing. The reader never is lost at the points that Mr. Camisa and Mr. Franklin make throughout the book. They speak about being equal despite being in a prison. Ms. Camisa developed some great relationships with people that he might not have done otherwise if he had not had the hard job of being a prison guard.

      This reader thanks Mr. Camisa and Mr. Franklin for taking the time to tell this unique and interesting story of being a prison guard. This reader recommends that people that are interested in prison life read this inside story.

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