Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: DocVoc Press
Release Date: January 31, 2003
ISBN: 0970872801
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Non-Fiction/Self-Help/Entertainment
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes:

Lights, Cubicle, Action!
100 Directives for Survival in Corporate America
By A.A. Cantor 

Let your vocation be your vacation . . .

     Sit back and prepare yourself to be entertained by one of the finest authors I have found who truly understands the corporate way of life. A.A. Canto’s Lights, Cubicle, Action! 100 Directives for Survival in Corporate America is a vast collection of some of the most memorable quotes and antidotes that dwell into what reality really consists of in corporate America. Through Lights, Cubicle, Action you will see the glossy image of corporate life being stripped clean, leaving it at center stage with the ability for all to see its many jagged edges.

     Throughout the pages of this book, I found myself agreeing and cheering, as the pages provided me maximum reading pleasure. One quote in particular really put to words the feelings that I have harbored for some time:

     "Employees paid between $20,000 and $50,000 are the hardest workers, the most ingenious, the most diligent, the most loyal, the most stressed, and enjoy the fruits of their labors the least." (Page 12.)

     After reading this book, I felt more empowered to take the steps to break out of the glass ceiling that has been holding me prisoner. These powerful words have set me on a quest to seek out and find the job I know that was created with me in mind. Thought-provoking words such as this author has shared are a true treasure to behold. I feel this book is the foundation needed to get anyone headed towards the road of success.

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