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Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Release Date:2001
ISBN: 9780740718779
Format Reviewed: Paperback Gift book
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Genre: Nonfiction / Misc. / Gift book, irreverent
Reviewer: Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Reviewer Notes: Explicit Language

Reviewer Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the author of This is the Place and Harkening

MikWright…Family Style
By Tim, Phyllis and Bob 

A Shocking Look at Old Snapshots

Mikwright Assures Readers They Will Never See Their Home Photo Albums
The Same Way They Did in the Past

     "Did we really look like that?" When family gathers around old snapshots, it's a comment you're sure to hear. Here we have a fat little paperback (pages unnumbered) called MikWright...Family Style, chock full of old photos that look much like the ones from your own album. Each has an explanation or a memory from the authors’ families, so it's sort of a memoir gone mad.

     In the acknowledgment, the reader is assured that these anecdotes contain "flagrant exaggerations and distorted facts" as a trio of humorists, identified only as Tim, Phyllis and Bob, share their family secrets. And, though lampooned, the reader is aware that this zany family is also loved and perhaps a whole lot less dysfunctional than many.

     In addition to the little yarns explaining each picture, there is often a sassy blurb in the tradition of your decades-old high school yearbook, with a little more spice that would have been (ahem) appropriate in the ‘50s.

     This book will make a great gift for someone who needs to loosen up a bit and laugh more. Wait! Don't give it away yet! Read it first! I'm sure this trio of nuts will have no objection at all to their book doing double duty.


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