Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Warner Books
Release Date: October 2003 
ISBN: 0446691801 
Format Reviewed: Paperback 
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Genre:  Non-fiction/finance
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Lynda E. Lukow 
Reviewer Notes:  

Rich Dad's $uccess $tories
Real Life Success Stories from Real Life People Who Followed the Rich Dad Lessons
By Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter, C.P.A.

     Rich Dad's $uccess $tories is the seventh submission in the Rich Dad series. Robert T. Kiyosaki (with Sharon L. Lechter) relays more than twenty accounts of people who have studied and applied Rich Dad's formula to achieve financial independence. The participants range in age from a fourth grader to retirees and come from a full spectrum of financial backgrounds.

     Do you feel you were born to be rich, but your bank account does not reflect your desire? At least one of these stories is bound to reflect your present monetary situation. Mr. Kiyosaki purports that by rethinking your previous monetary education and following a few simple guidelines you, too, could join the ranks of the wealthy. His stories debunk many excuses that deter people from beginning a journey to financial security. Most of the advice centers on investing in real estate; considering that market's uncertainty, I'd recommend this book only to the financially fearless.