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Publisher: Global Authors Publications
Release Date: September 25, 2002
ISBN: 0-9714832-5-6
Format Reviewed: Trade Paperback
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Genre: Nonfiction
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Susan Johnson
Reviewer Notes: Buy a copy at Global Authors Publications

Ripped Apart
By Glenda Ivey 

     Marsha thought her life was wonderful. After the short marriage to her high school sweetheart did not work out, she moved from Alabama to Atlanta. Not long after her arrival, she falls for a gentleman thirteen years her senior. After a whirlwind courtship they are married.

     Marsha soon discovers that all is not a bed of roses. Eric is physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive. After nine terrible years, Marsha finally gathers the strength to take herself and her five-year-old daughter Ashley out of this turmoil.

     The newfound release and happiness is wonderful. Marsha even renews her relationship with her handsome former husband, Tyler. However, Eric is a deeply vengeful man and has sworn to get revenge on Marsha for leaving him.

     Eric soon carries out his threat by kidnapping their daughter Ashley and fleeing the country to Lima, Peru. What follows a most heart-wrenching story of a mother's fight with not only her ex-husband, but also two governments, in an effort to regain her daughter?

      The renewal of her romance with Tyler makes the time bearable until Marsha must once more face heartbreak when he unexpectedly dies.

     How much heartache should one woman have to bear? How much heartache "can" one woman bear and survive? Seven years and many thousands of dollars are spent trying to regain Ashley .

     This story had many heart breaking moments. What makes the story more poignant is the fact that it is based on a true story. Ms. Ivey handles a tough subject with great compassion and grace. This was a very engrossing story from the first page.

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