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Publisher: Time Warner Audio Major
Release Date: February 2004
ISBN: 1586215078
Format Reviewed: Audio CD - (Abridged edition) Book format available
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Genre: Nonfiction / Business
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Brenda Weeaks
Reviewer Notes:  

Animals Inc.
A Business Parable for the 21st Century
By Kenneth A. Tucker, Vandana Allmanr

      The farm animals panic when Farmer Goode decides to retire. Big Moe, the pig, calms the animals down and convinces them to run the farm after Goode retires and transfers ownership of the farm to them. Big Moe becomes president of the farm and puts certain animals in top positions. “It’s seniority,” he says, he’s read all about it. Big Moe learns a lot about running a business, but things get out of hand when a series of situations arise, from the animals wanting greener pastures, to trying another’s job, to experiencing lack of self esteem. Soon they have evaluations and surveys going around in an effort to improve things. And then there’s Edward Biggs, a large man who wants the land for a shopping mall and is willing to take advantage of the animals to get it.

      I’ve reviewed business books using fictional characters before, but I can’t ever recall one with animals! Although this is a first for me, the idea isn’t as silly as it sounds, and I’ll tell you why. Animals Inc. is comprehensive in its business advice. The author shares some grounded, intelligent wisdom on morale and performance, as the cover mentions, but it also shows us the “right way” to use the fundamentals we learn about running a business. Through this entertaining concept the information and advice is easy to comprehend. By the time I got to the second Audio CD, I realized Animals Inc. would be perfect for junior high, high school, and even college entrepreneur/business classes. Not because it has animals in it, but because it’s straightforward and entertaining, and has a strong chance of keeping the students’ attention.