Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Durban House Publishing
Release Date: March 2004
ISBN: 193075437
Format Reviewed:
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Genre: Non-Fiction / True Story
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes:  

Behind the Mountain
A Corporate Survival Book
By Nick Williams with Patricia Williams and Katie Thompson Contributors

   Behind the Mountain is sure to go down in history as one of the most remembered on the subject of how to maintain a positive attitude while climbing the corporate ladder. The background on the how Behind the Mountain: A Corporate Survival Book is based on true facts that actually occurred to author Nick Williams in 1998.

     Nick was leading a comfortable life being CEO of a prominent enterprise. On a planned ski trip he makes a wrong turn and finds himself trapped in a blizzard. Remarkably, he calls on his years of corporate survival and military training to get him through some of the harshest elements anyone has ever endured and survived. With his friends and families love and support he was able to conquer one and overcome the devastation that he endured in his life altering experience.

      While reading this book I marveled at the wisdom this author displayed. His calmness and courage made for a very inspirational book. Being a business major, I appreciated the simplicity in which it was written. I felt it offered a wealth of straightforward thought provoking advice that will not soon be forgotten.